Your Help is NeededA single donation makes a world of difference.
Supporting Peace-building in Zimbabwe
It currently costs an average of £800 (US$1000) to run a two-day AVP course or to induct a group of schools into running Peace Clubs. In 2023, AVPZ laid on 25 courses and events both in the community and for teachers. Please help us to build on that level of activity in 2024/5. You could:
make a regular donation by Standing Order (gift aided if possible)
make a one-off donation
encourage your meeting to hold a special collection.
How to donate to Peace Works Zimbabwe
By bank transfer or Standing Order
Bank: Co-op Bank, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 1GP
Account name: Peace Works Zimbabwe
Sort code: 08 92 99;
Account no: 67345863
Please use reference ‘PWZ’
Please contact us at to confirm the donation and, ideally, request a Gift Aid form.
By cheque
Please make cheques payable to:
Peace Works Zimbabwe and send to:
Peace Works Zimbabwe c/o The Quaker Centre, 1 Oakley Gardens, MILTON KEYNES. MK15 9BH.
Please include a note with your name, address and email, making it clear that the donation is for Peace Works Zimbabwe.